SUNDAY Mornings
On Sundays, kids get to experience age appropriate small and large group programming, where each week they learn who Jesus is and how to follow Him.
Children's Ministry meets at 9am & 11am in the Children's Building (next to playground)
Nursery–PreK is on the 1st floor and K-5th is on the 2nd floor
On Sunday morning, bring your kiddos over to the Children's Building for check-in. Classrooms open for drop-off 15 minutes before service starts. Once you're checked in, you'll receive security stickers for your child. The stickers serve two purposes:
1. Parent Paging – If we need you during service, the number on your sticker will be used.
2. Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.
Children's Ministry meets at 9am & 11am in the Children's Building (next to playground)
Nursery–PreK is on the 1st floor and K-5th is on the 2nd floor
On Sunday morning, bring your kiddos over to the Children's Building for check-in. Classrooms open for drop-off 15 minutes before service starts. Once you're checked in, you'll receive security stickers for your child. The stickers serve two purposes:
1. Parent Paging – If we need you during service, the number on your sticker will be used.
2. Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.

Welcome to Club 45, 4th and 5th graders! Our vision is to create time for students to build friendships with each other, their leaders and most importantly, Jesus. Check-in at the Children's lobby and then head up to the 2nd floor 3rd-5th classroom. Club 45 meets Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 PM starting September 11th through December 11th!
Here is a breakdown of what our time together looks like:
7:00 – 7:30: Hang Out Time: Check-In, Playing games Foosball, billiards, ping pong etc.
7:30 – 8:00: Large Group: Group Game, Worship, Brief lesson or video teaching.
8:00-8:30: Small Group- Bible lesson activity, questions, prayer time and Check-Out.
Here is a breakdown of what our time together looks like:
7:00 – 7:30: Hang Out Time: Check-In, Playing games Foosball, billiards, ping pong etc.
7:30 – 8:00: Large Group: Group Game, Worship, Brief lesson or video teaching.
8:00-8:30: Small Group- Bible lesson activity, questions, prayer time and Check-Out.

Courtney Casto
Children's Ministry Coordinator
Children's Ministry Coordinator

The Hub
The Hub is our online data base where volunteers can access group lessons, class lists, and check schedules.